Nov 24 2021 47 mins
The survivors of the Battle of Black Dawn celebrate before saying goodbye.
Armageddon TM and its characters and story are copyright Terry Tibke. All rights reserved.
Music & SFX
[Drifting Minds] by Alexander Nakarada, [The Story] by Alexander Nakarada, [Foam Rubber] by Alexander Nakarada, [Not Much to Say] by David Fesliyan, [New Dawn] by Bensound, [Non Seeing Eye] by Alexander Nakarada, [Beautiful Village] by David Fesliyan, [Novus Initium] by Alexander Nakarada, [In The Clouds] by David Fesliyan, [Happy Place] by Alexander Nakarada, [Various Others] via Storyblocks Audio
MUG ON TABLE.wav by tsakanemashaba, 00597 massive men laugh 1.wav by Robinhood76, 01268 distant male group laughter.wav by Robinhood76, crowd small guys laugh ext boisterous candid India.flac by kyles, natural_wind.wav by MikaF, open-cardboard-box-compartment.wav by newagesoup, wood-bowl-spoon-02.wav by Vehicle, dry with towel.wav by jrssandoval, 274895__mariekedekoker__drinking-swallowing-soup DENOISED.wav by be_a_hero_not_a_patriot, Soup Boil.wav by itinerantmonk108, Dinner Atmo.wav by burkay, Posh dinner party.wav by 7by7, winter ambience 120204_04 long 01.flac by klankbeeld , Glass /window cleaning by peqdavid5, [See Previous Episodes for all effects]
Jake Utter [Voice Actor] - Voices Turim Gliderlance
Andrew Embers [Voice Actor] - Voices Sand Rocketblade
Demetrius Hazel [Voice Actor] - Voices Lasertooth, Bartlett, and Darf Bloodshedder
Kobe Markworth [Voice Actor] - Voices Grandmaster Strongthorn, Thunderclap, Breed, and Gulanis
Sean Valley [Voice Actor] - Voices Strevan Pickaxe and Dithkanir
Hayley Craig [Voice Actress] - Voices Jaffrine Maplebow
Morgana LeFaye [Voice Actress]- Voices Tartara Silverwing, Extras
Tallent [Voice Actor] - Voices General Panthis Obsidianfist
JJtheJetvox [Voice Actor] - Voices Meineken Shadowstar and Aruthil
Brittanie Arwen [Voice Actor] - Voices Sinfa Songbird
Ben Habel [Voice Actor] – Voices Lakalith Paledust, Admiral Peelwarden
Maia Harlap [Voice Actor] – Voices Lala Truffleroot, Kithria Wraithchasm, and Ryuki Purplefist
Aaron Anderson [Voice Actor] – Voices Aldor Steelaxe and Dark Elves
Chris Bellinger [Voice Actor] – Voices Gundak, Percin and Dwarf extras
Alexander Doddy [Voice Actor] – Voices Rail Markrune, Van Leadsword
Callum Garner [Voice Actor] – Voices Gewurmarch Rottbone
Dio Kerr [Voice Actor] – Voices Dustorn and Hiryoto Dragonfright
Jerron Bacat [Voice Actor] – Voices Art