May 05 2023 35 mins
Sjoerd speaks with Astrid Poot: artist, rebel, designer - making people happier, stronger and more autonomous.
We include many topics and ideas in to the discussion, like ethics in design, the power of great stories, system change and more.
Astrid has created lots of tools to simplify the topic of ethics to help people express their values and ideas on ethics, leading to more ethical designs. You can also invite Astrid into your company, to help discuss ethics in design with your department or teams.
Let us know what you think of the episode, tips for next topics or facilitators to invite, and all other input!
Astrid wrote a (dutch) blog as a companion to our talk: Ethiek kost moeite, maar is niet moeilijk. An english translation: Ethics takes effort but is not hard. In her blog you will find various tools, reading tips and Astrid's own publications, like 'Anger as a force for good' and the children's horror book 'De dag dat de aarde omhoog kwam'.
Are you working with Scrum/Agile and have similar stories and tips to share? Or do you know someone that you want to voluntell to be a guest? Reach out! [email protected]
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