Welcome back to the 5ps podcast where we discuss all things purpose, productivity, possibilities, prayer and pressure. You are going to love today's episode!
During today's episode, I chat with Dr. Blair Chance a family medicine doctor. She shares her journey to becoming a medical doctor and the importance of prayer in her life. Many of us question how our purpose aligns to our careers. In this episode, Dr. Chance will talk about how her faith impacts her career.
The interview with Dr. Chance is a two-part episode.
So make sure you are subscribed to the podcast to catch part 2 and all future episodes.
Connect with Me:
- For updates, follow us on Instagram: @5pspodcast
- Register for The Bridge: 2022 Purpose Planning for Leaders and Entrepreneurs
- Join the August Group Coaching Session
- Shop with me: www.uniktreats.com
- For business consulting, contact my business development company, Promising Presence.
- Grab a "No Failure" planner from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Unik Treats.
- I Will Win! No Failure Planner
- Grab "My Adventures & Bright Ideas: Writing Journal for Kids (Elementary School-Aged)"
- If you're looking to join a community of supportive go-getters who are overcoming fear and achieving their God-given goals, join our Linkedin group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13918724/
#5ps #prayer #purpose
Connect with Me:
- Register for The Bridge 2022: Purpose Planning
- For updates, follow us on Instagram @5pspodcast
To learn more about me, visit: www.jessicahixonwalker.com