Apr 04 2023 48 mins
Science in the early years curriculum is often underrated and overlooked. We may have a nature area, do volcanoes in the sandpit and do the odd science experiment sometimes. But there is so much more that we can do with science if we only knew how.
Today I am joined by the vibrant author and science teacher Rachel Rohloff to talk about her books and also how we can create exciting science learning opportunities in the early years environment.
We also have a webinar with Rachel "Let's get sorted for science" which you can access at https://www.ecelearningunlimited.com/course/lets-get-sorted-for-science
You can find Rachel's book "The Living World" a brilliant source of science ideas for early years educators at New Shoots Publishing https://www.newshootspublishing.co.nz/store/the-living-world