Aug 01 2024 46 mins
In this episode, I chat with author, Jillian Abby (she/her), as we discuss the topic of coming out later in life, which she chronicles in her memoir, Perfectly Queer: Facing Big Fears, Living Hard Truths, and Loving Myself Fully Out of the Closet.
Jillian's story, which she shares in her book, is about her coming out later in life - after a nineteen-year marriage and having two children. As you can imagine, it wasn't an easy process.
As I was reading it, I stopped right in the middle of it to ask her to be on the podcast because I kept thinking how this wasn't a book just for the LGBTQ+ community. I mean, yes, the title is Perfectly Queer, but the story, at its essence is one that, I think, anyone can identify with.
Without giving anything away, I think my favorite chapter was when she shared the fact that her mom was now the parent of an LGBTQ+ person, and how that not only challenged their beliefs but also shifted the dynamic of their conversations.
I've talked a lot about that particular topic on the podcast, and that's exactly what this podcast is rooted in so, for me, it's just another reason why this book isn't only for the LGBTQ+ community, but also parents and allies.
I don't want to give too much away, but I hope this chat with Jillian inspires you to grab the book asap and share it with others.
Find Perfectly Queer HERE.
Follow Jillian on Instagram and Substack
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Instagram: @thegaypodcast_foreveryone
mentioned in this episode: Episode 9 - Chris Tompkins, author of Raising LGBTQ Allies: A Parent's Guide to Changing the Messages from the Playground
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