Jul 12 2024 57 mins
Welcome to the eighth episode of the third season of the Perseverance Podcast. This is where you will hear the story of Randy, a missionary pastor who was stranded in Sudan, Africa for over 2 weeks in the middle of a civil war, not knowing if each breath would be his last. Listen to Randy tell about the miraculous providence of God during those life-threatening and spiritually trying days. Hear how Randy went from focusing on himself and how he expected God to rescue him to focusing on how he was placed in this situation to be a light and share the gospel with his enemies. After listening to Randy Jumper’s amazing story of spiritual renewal amidst life and death circumstances, I hope you too can feel encouraged to persevere as you go through your own difficult experiences.
If you would like to be a guest on this podcast, email me at [email protected]
For more information, go to www.deafblindpotter.com
To donate to the See Me Cane, go to www.seemecane.com or for tax deductible donation purposes go to www.lblf.org
To support the DeafBlind Potter School for people with disabilities, go to https://www.school.deafblindpotter.com
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DeafBlind Potter- https://www.instagram.com/deafblindpotter/
See Me Cane- https://www.instagram.com/seemecaneproject/
DeafBlind Potter- https://www.tiktok.com/@deafblindpotter
See Me Cane- https://www.tiktok.com/@seemecaneproject
DeafBlind Potter- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoESy9-tS5BEL9AqJ6dOu9A
See Me Cane- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0VJLOJCwsAqO0YW6U04dOg
Radio Show
DeafBlind Potter School and Documentary