Creating alchemy: rising from darkness and ignorance to peace, light and inner wisdom

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Dec 03 2022 84 mins  

A conversation with a being who lifts and illuminates others around him.

Bruno Wildhaber was born in Interlaken, Switzerland and studied and lived many years in the US. He’s a doctor, writer, teacher, public talker, life coach… and, as he says, a “lifelong learner.”

Bruno’s vision, direction, work and dream is to create a healthy community where everyone is ok and in balance within the first circle: “just oneself,” uncontaminated from outer inputs and acquired conditionings – then, that inner harmony from the first circle will create ripples and expand throughout all the outer circles (family, friends, work, school, society…) into the whole universe, creating naturally peace and harmony.

It’s interesting to see how different paths can lead to the purification of the mind. We hear this talk, and realize that so many earnest paths conduct to the same destination, to the search of truth, to the highest realization, to the place where one is not affected any more by the yin and yan of life, simply remaining in the middle, in the balance point.

Bruno’s path has been that of learning through experience, hardship, observation, reflection, investigation, discrimination, analysis, self-inquiry. It probably started when he had to experience many challenges in early life, which gave him a vision of what not to give energy to, what to discard from one’s life, what futile and inmature stuff not to apprehend from the outer world, what not to take, what to let go. This led him to a life of introspection and a sincere practice of ‘being with oneself’, as he refers to the first circle, which, as a consequence gave birth to a new vision, to the manifestation of the sadguru - inner guru, inner wisdom - in life. He says pain has been a great teacher, but the power of the re-birth from darkness to light, together with the right understanding, brings along the best possible version of oneself; by trusting and being taken to higher energetic realms, where there is more light and consequently peace.

All this self inner work led him to be able to help people later in life. After having worked on the field of medicine and body-mind healing, Bruno diverted his time and focus to the study and comprehension of the human psyche, which he currently shares with people through his work, his books, talks and personal consultations.

It was a pleasure to be able to interview Bruno; he is a true inspiration for all those who access his work or are able to connect with him through his publications.

Quotes from the interview:

“Premature degeneration within the body begins with something that confuses the system.”

“If one has emotional and mental issues, then, there’s a friction in the expression of one’s spiritual self, which manifests as disease.”

“Every single person has an antena going from oneself to the universal intelligence, where all information – present, past, future – is available to us.”

“The light only can enter you through your scars, through your pain.”

“Only outside the circle of confidence can we grow. Inside the circle of confidence, you will stagnate – you will be comfortable but you won’t grow.”

“Why don’t we learn to love to learn?” (about the education system)

“We have a one-sided educational system.”

“The school teacher was a perfect mentor for me: how not to teach, how not to be with children…”

“The smallest thing holds back the greatest force.”

“We have to create alchemy again.”

“There is value in suffering.”

“The truth is that you are alone.”

“Understand the laws of nature and follow them.”

Bruno Wildhaber:

Published books:

Hashashin (2018)

Ein Hemd allein fliegt in Richtung Wolkenwelt (2022)

Upcoming books:

