Jun 04 2023 19 mins
“The highest goal of a Yoga practitioner should be to come to a level where one is maintaining one’s balance perfectly all the time. Ups and downs are part of life, situations are never in our hands, but how to deal with them is in our hands.”
These are the words of Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, director of the Yoga Institute in Mumbai. She’s a mentor and role model to millions of lives and has conducted more than fifty thousand powerful sessions on yog, wellness and mental health.
We were fortunate enough to meet her in person whole working on the ongoing documentary project about Mantra. In this podcast, we present a talk where we discussed subjects related to Yoga and Mantra, and the aspects involved in both practices. We present here part of this short but powerful conversation, and the clear vision of a great wise referent who is highly experienced and is able to express the key aspects involved along the path of yoga, answering questions such as what should be the highest goal of a yoga practitioner.
Some quotes of Hansaji:
“Every yoga teacher should aim at having mastery over their minds.”
“What we are teaching, every human should learn, because it’s the foundation of life, on which then you build whatever you want to build; but the life formation has to be strong.”
“In the west, yoga has become very commercial, having as aim to earn money. Technology of yoga (asana, pranayama, etc.) has become very popular, but they are not yogis, because they are dealing only with their bodies.”
“For inner peace, for spirituality, the world is looking at India; people come to India due to soul-pain.”
“When the student is ready, the whole nature will help to move ahead in life.”
Short Reference: Hansa Yogendra (born 1947) is an Indian yoga guru, author, researcher and media personality. She is director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, founded by her father-in-law Shri Yogendra. It is a government recognized non-profit organization and the oldest organized yoga center in the world, founded in 1918. She was presenter of the television series Yoga for Better Living, aired in 1980s. She is the chair of the Yoga Certification Committee and President of the International Board of Yoga, and Vice President of the Indian Yoga Association.