Jan 12 2025 21 mins
Hey Gorgeous Souls,
On 25th Jan 25 we have an event which will create a celestial procession in the skies.
Venus-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune-Uranus & The Moon will all align.
As above, so below.
This last occurred 396bn years ago!
It will impact us all...As each chakra correlates to these planets.
Watch Humanity awaken!
I share more on...
Spiritual Fasting, Energetic healing for Life transformational Manifestations
Here's how to prepare and utilise these energies to manifest your soul purpose, the breakthrough & a new timeline for us all!
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*The Soul Architect Series™ Spiritual Awakening-Healing & Transformation Program
Access here: https://www.alleradawn.com/the-soul-architect-series-spiritual-awakening-healing-transformation-program
Get ready to soar in 2025.
Now is the time.
Allera Dawn
The Modern Day High Priestess
IG: @iamalleradawn
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-A3gjfGCxBjXsRhtHSonOg