Feb 16 2024 13 mins
Have you ever felt like you're navigating a minefield when it comes to parenting teens in our tech-saturated world? In this episode we talk about guiding teens and tweens through their online lives and the importance of good connection to unlock the secrets of your child's digital experience. We talk about setting concrete boundaries without shutting down communication channels. I share actionable strategies (or reminders, as you may already be doing many of these) to help you and your teen build a relationship that thrives on trust and mutual respect in the age of the internet.
The journey of parenting doesn't need to be a solitary one. Remember, at the heart of every parent's mission is guiding our teens toward happiness.
1) Free Webinar --- How parents of teens and tweens can better connect without all the arguments, attitude, disrespect or guilt)
2) The Confidently Connected [Teen/Tween] System is a super easy 3-step system for teens, tweens, and parents.
It's designed to give today's youth tools to help them discover who they are so they don't spend years suffering from low self-esteem, a lack of confidence or motivation, unhealthy relationships (with themselves and others), and generally6 feeling lost, stuck, unhappy, or out of control.
The Confidently Connected [Parent] System gives parents of teens and tweens tools to support and better understand what their kids might be going through, as well as help them strengthen or create strong, healthy relationships (with their kids, themselves, and others).
Because the system is hybrid, that means the teen/tween can work at their own pace and in their own time, as the content is fully digital.
Additionally, there are weekly call opportunities to connect for both the teens/tweens, and, separately, for the parents.
This might just be the easiest system you will come across to get teens and tweens the information they need (which is generally NOT taught in schools) to improve their self-worth, their confidence, and their overall mindset so they can become happy, successful young adults, which all parents want for their kids.