Jan 25 2024 52 mins
We’re honored to have inspiring real estate investor and family man Adam Zach on the show today. Having retired at only 32 from civil engineering, Adam has accumulated an impressive portfolio of 50 single family rentals across 13 states. He shares his incredible early retirement journey and top tips for achieving time freedom even with a young family.
Topics covered in this episode:
Adam's transition from 9-5 engineer to savvy real estate entrepreneur
* His "reverse investing" approach - finding private lenders first
* Tips for acquiring rentals and building passive income
* How Adam designed systems to free up time as a busy dad
* His priorities and practices that enabled early retirement
* Advice for others, especially fathers, looking to gain time and financial freedom
Adam delivers an inspiring story and actionable advice - if you're a parent or anyone seeking time and financial freedom, this is a must-listen episode!
Connect with Adam thru the social links below and learn more about his business:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChessChief
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-zach-pe-0000303b/
Website: https://homeequitypartner.com/investors/
Unlock 3+1 degrees of freedom (time, location, financial + health) with our 5-Point Blueprint! https://elevateequity.org/podcastgift
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