Feb 20 2024 40 mins
Meet Pete Turner, a retired military officer turned multifamily real estate investor. After serving over 20 years in the military, Pete made the transition to corporate and eventually discovered his passion for partnering with professionals to achieve financial security through multifamily real estate.
In this episode, you'll learn:
👉How Pete got started in multifamily real estate coming from a military and corporate background
👉Pete's creative strategy for acquiring his first investment properties
👉The importance of networking and authentic relationships in the multifamily space
👉What Pete looks for when evaluating potential multifamily acquisitions
👉Tips for mitigating risk when bringing on investment partners
If you're looking to build wealth through multifamily real estate, you won't want to miss Pete's story and insights on this episode of the podcast.
Tune in to hear how networking, creativity, and persistence helped Pete unlock passive income streams and financial freedom through multifamily syndications.
Connect with Pete thru the social link below and learn more about his business:
Website: www.capitalturners.com
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