Nov 27 2024 62 mins 3
Do patients in labor need continuous bladder drainage? We will review the literature comparing intermittent to continuous drainage.
Next, we venture into the art and science of manual rotation for persistent posterior fetal presentations, a skillful maneuver that might just hold the key to lowering cesarean rates. Drawing from comprehensive reviews and trials, including the TURN-OUT trial and studies from UCSF, we debate the efficacy and applicability of manual rotation in various clinical settings. From ultrasound-guided techniques to hands-on learning, gain a nuanced understanding of how this practice might enhance delivery outcomes and reduce interventions.
Finally, we learn about Cesarean Scar Disorder, a relatively new diagnosis with important clinical ramifications.
00:00:10 Urinary Catheterization in Labor Management
00:16:10 Manual Rotation of the OP Fetus
00:49:32 Effectiveness of Labor Positioning Techniques
00:58:03 Cesarean Scar Disorder
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