Mar 13 2024 14 mins
Opening the cage, and taking flight...
This is a recording from Just Be Like This Today!
This is a daily invitation to grant yourself permission to drop all your other nagging ‘Musts’ and ‘Shoulds’ about self-improvement, personal development and living a virtuous life. Just enjoy this one cup of Living Wisdom, just choose this one thing and sit with it today.
You get the dream you live, if you aren’t daring to dream your own dream, you are living someone else’s. Maybe that’s why some of it feels like a bad dream?
Overwhelm, Burnout, Depression and Anxiety are some of the Body’s ways of waking up the Heart, out of the bad dream, and getting the attention of Attention into the dawning Reality of what is Unfolding and what is Possible.
This is a 13-minute exploration of the essentiality and practice of Dreaming.
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