We often talk about the glass ceiling, that invisible barrier that prevents or makes it difficult to reach our potential. When we look at the invisible barriers, we often see it as external to us; other people, structures and systems prevent us from getting to where we need to be. Breaking down glass ceilings can be an uphill and never-ending struggle because there is so much to do. Perhaps it's time to look at it differently? Could there possibly be a more straightforward solution? This week's guest Pete shares an alternative perspective on the glass ceiling and suggests it could be time to look closer to home. Maybe it's time to break our own glass ceilings.
This week's guest is entrepreneur Pete Gill who has broken down many of his own glass ceilings to achieve his success. One of Pete's unique qualities is his ability to bring extraordinary light into everything he does, whether it for his family, friends, work and basically else that meets him. He is a person of integrity.
Enjoy and love to hear your thoughts.