Jun 17 2024 75 mins
In this candid episode, Dr. Lee & TLC discuss the challenges of starting a podcast, focusing on authentic speech, self-perception, and the impact of trauma on behavior and resilience.
They explore societal pressures, particularly for men and people of color in business, and the importance of mastering skills and overcoming obstacles.
Through personal anecdotes, highlight the value of learning from failure and achieving self-acceptance. They encourage listeners to embrace spontaneity, let go of perfectionism, and experiment without fear.
Dr. Lee & TLC also share details surrounding 'Trauma Club' and the Trauma Sensitive Business Foundations course as valuable resources for personal growth and support.
Key Takeaways:
- Authentic speech is crucial for effective communication and building genuine connections.
- Trauma can significantly impact behavior and resilience, influencing one's approach to life and work.
- Embracing learning, accepting failure, and striving for self-acceptance are key to personal and professional growth.
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