S4E2: Why Moses heard God from a burning bush

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Jan 28 2024 40 mins  

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It is an iconic scene in the Bible: God calls Moses from the burning bush. But, why the burning bush? After all, God can speak through an immeasurable number of things.

It is because the bush that does not burn up, and the flame that blazes, yet will not burn itself out, means something to Moses--and to us--which connects us to how God, speaking all of reality, can speak to human individuals in a powerful and personal way. We'll explore what that is in this episode.

(edit: Jan 30, added ~1 minute of content from 26:26, and revised sentences that were too long the final 5 minutes )

2:21 Moses is “born” twice – his birth narrative
8:28 Moses as a failed “Zorro / Batman”
16:51 Moses’s life before the Burning Bush
24:43 What was the fire, and "The Angel of the LORD"
32:33 What did the burning bush mean?

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