Feb 24 2024 52 mins
To be of service is commonly thought of as manual labor or maybe being used by others. Service is actual a gift not only to others but yourself. The action to be able to serve says
1. I am qualified through his kingdom. 2. I am also a work in progress, so to serve means to evolve. 3. Superiority is not better than anyone but better than the standards created through drama. Service is an avenue to help us through survival mentally to thriving in our own greatness.
Dr. Asheena Baez gave us a sermon and an assignment. To mediate, take stock in the things we haven't forgone ourselves for and to know you are already qulaified. It's not about where you started but how far we are going together.
Please continue to support her by purchasing her book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJBGQGJZ?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_EB0RV5QK6VK0826AKM5Z
Contact her : https://asheenabaezconsulting.com/
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Sanika is a storyteller, communicator, and creator passionate about exploring self-discovery, culture, and the power of words.With a background in technology and marketing communications, she has built a platform dedicated to authentic conversations that inspire growth, challenge perspectives, and amplify voices.
As the host of How Do You Divine?, she invites listeners to redefine meaning, embrace transformation, and navigate life—one word at a time. Her mission? To create space for reflection, empowerment, and deeper connections through storytelling.
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