Nov 06 2023 53 mins 1
Do you feel disconnected from yourself? Have you spent so much time and energy doing what other people want that you no longer feel connected to what you truly desire? This is a common experience for so many of us, women in particular. In this episode of the podcast we are going to explore how this happens and show you how to reconnect with yourself.
In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Mohini Gima who is an educator, facilitator, guide, and speaker.
Listen in as we discuss how we become disconnected from ourselves and the simple practices that help us to reconnect with ourselves and embody our self-worth. Mohini share’s her story of pursuing a “dream” life and then dismantling the life she had created when she realized that it was misaligned. She shares how she courageously created a life that affirms her worth and fulfills her desires.
- Mohini’s self-worth journey and how she went from a life that looked great on the outside but felt miserable on the inside to a life that feels good from the inside out.
- Three signs that you are disconnected from yourself.
- Five practices to help you reconnect with yourself and embody unconditional self-worth.
- and more!
Relevant Resources:
Enroll to the Date Yourself course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You:
Mohini’s Free Guidebook: Voice of Your Womb
Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth
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