From Cautious To Courageous

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Sep 26 2021 34 mins  

“I want our kids to see the support we give each other. You can have differences, but still be loving and supportive of each other.”

— Sarah

Today’s episode is part of my limited Sandbox Spotlight series, which features interviews with real-life couples talking about their real-life experiences navigating the 4 Relationship Seasons, developing better communication skills, and deepening their connection.

If you haven’t listened to my episodes on the Relationship Seasons, I recommend you check them out first!

My guests for this episode are Sarah and Steve. They have been together for 14 years and have 4 children, ages 9, 7, 4, and 2.

Sarah and Steve are currently in the Coping Season (or Connected Season, depending on who took the quiz!). Over the past year they have had multiple external factors pulling their time and energy, including home renovations, a life-changing bicycle accident, and Steve’s new work as a freelancer, just to name a few.

With so many life events happening all at once, it’s naturally been difficult to carve out the time needed to focus on themselves as a couple. Having awareness around the Relationship Seasons and using the tools they learned through Couple’s Sandbox has helped them remember that seasons ebb and flow and the Coping Season doesn’t last forever.

In our conversation, Sarah and Steve share how they moved past their initial hesitations around joining Sandbox (group calls can seem scary!), and how they now look forward to connecting with the other couples in the community. It has been a source of relatable connection and normalizes the challenges that every couple goes through, plus it prompts meaningful conversation with each other!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of Couplehood,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • How Sarah and Steve say that awareness around the Relationship Seasons has helped them
  • Why being the Couple Sandbox community is so important
  • How modelling and normalizing struggles that all couples benefit your whole family

“You have to be at ease with yourself before you can be at ease with each other.”

— Steve

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:24 The Sandbox Spotlight

01:50 Sarah and Steve

33:00 Gratitude

Links:‌ ‌ ‌

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