Feb 02 2025 72 mins 1
Corporal Salvatore Oldrati from Mantua Township Police Department, Gloucester County, New Jersey, who has fully dedicated his life to protecting and serving the residents of his community. During the early morning hours of September 14, 2021, Mantua Township Police arrived first on the scene and were confronted with a man armed with a gun. Shortly after the shooting, an investigation was completed by the New Jersey State Police Shooting Response Team along with the Attorney General’s Office.Once the investigation was completed, Corporal Oldrati was cleared to return to work in October 2021. According to the Mantua Township Use of Force Policy, Volume 1 Chapter 12, pages 7 through 10 states. In May of 2023, twenty months after returning to full patrol duty, Corporal Oldrati was wrongfully indicted and accused of 2nd Degree Reckless Manslaughter by the Attorney General’s Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA). Corporal Oldrati’s family, friends and law enforcement communities, are rallying together in support requesting senators, congressmen/women, law makers and all legislators to stand up and rectify these egregious abuses by the OPIA.
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