Jan 23 2025 10 mins 5
“If I can just get them to read, I’ll finally relax.”
Sound familiar? So many parents feel the pressure to make reading happen now, especially when schools label kids as "behind" as early as first grade.
But here’s the truth: reading is NOT the Holy Grail of learning. It’s just one of many ways kids grow and explore the world. In this episode, I’ll help you reframe the reading timeline and explore how learning happens in countless other ways—even before (or without) fluent reading.
You’ll discover:
✅ Why reading milestones aren’t as rigid or essential as they seem
✅ How unschooling gives kids the freedom to learn on their own timeline
✅ Practical ideas to create a literacy-rich environment without the pressure
🎧 Listen now and discover how unschooling helps your child learn without rigid timelines.
Mentioned Resources:
📘 The Reading Guide – Creative ideas to build a literacy-rich environment without the stress.
🌟 Everything Counts – A guide to spotting and celebrating learning in all its forms.
🖥️ Go to the Blog - Read the transcript
As always, reach out if you need help figuring out how unschooling can work for your family!
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