Dec 22 2024 23 mins
What a year! Today, we are checking in with ourselves after a big year. Where are you at vs where you said you wanted to be? What bold action is required from you, to continue momentum towards your Highest Vision? What answers have been revealed this past year, that are begging for your attention and action? You can only deny your highest vision for so long.... trust me, I've been there.
This year has been difficult and I have allowed myself to move slowly. If this was a season of slowness for you, in today's episode I encourage you to give yourself so much grace and compassion.
That said, a fresh year is upon us and it's time to continue to take action to make your visions a reality. I will be committing to WEEKLY episodes in the new year and bringing back interviews, so get excited! It's time to go ALL IN on our highest visions, are you in?
Share this episode on social declaring you are going all in on your big vision and tag us at @thehighestvision !!!
We can't wait to see what you create in 2025 xx