Feb 22 2021 87 mins
Yaser Said moved to America from Egypt in 1983 and shortly after, at the age of 30, married 15 year old Patricia Owens. By the time she was 18, the couple had three children under the age of five, and severely struggled to make ends meet. Yaser was a controlling and abusive husband and father, particularly focusing his attention on his beautiful daughters, who he saw as a way to secure financial success once they were old enough to marry off to wealthy "suitors" back in Egypt. When they rebelled against this abuse, an already mentally troubled Yaser completely lost it, and the end result was the tragic and brutal murder of the two bright young women who were unfortunate enough to be born into this unstable family. Join us as we discuss the murders of Amina and Sarah Said at the hands of their father, Yaser.
If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, here are some resources:
If you have a paranormal story of any kind, record yourself telling the story on your phone or computer, and email it to us for our next episode! Let us know if you have any questions!
The promo at the beginning of the episode was from Text Me When You Get Home go check them out!
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