Mar 21 2021 71 mins
In Let's Get Dark's very first "Midnight Session" episode (those with a paranormal/esoteric subject matter) we discuss the very first Poltergeist in a housing project in the US: the haunting of 13 year old Ernie Rivers and his grandmother Mabelle Clark. Ernie had a tumultuous childhood, which culminated in an incredibly active and physical poltergeist that tormented him & his grandmother for months in 1961. The fact that they lived in public housing, meant that various officials began interceding in their lives, and the activity escalated so terribly that Ernie was removed from his grandmother's custody. There were elements of race and class discrimination rampant throughout their entire ordeal, and one has to wonder how differently the situation would have been handled had they not been a poor black family. But, when it came down to it, no one who witnessed the activity in the apartment could rationally explain what was taking place there.
What happened at 125 Rose Street to Ernie and Mabelle? Join us as we take a dive into the "Project Poltergeist" rabbit hole, and Let's Get Dark.
Our source for this episode was the amazing article at by Saleah Biacaflor
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