Feb 18 2022 97 mins
In this episode of Biting into Healthcare, Dr Miguel Stanley interviews his colleague, Dr Dirk Duddek from Germany, who founded the clean implant foundation. This nonprofit organisation tests dental implants for impurities on the surface that were left over during the manufacturing and packaging process. Sometimes his findings are startling and worrying! We are led to believe that our dental implants that have FDA and or CE approval are sterilised and as such are clean. Using electronic scanning microscope and a very highly regulated testing system that is unbiased, the Clean Implant Foundation has found some shocking results as well as some very good ones. In this discussion we ask some interesting questions such as, "could the surface contaminants be responsible for the spike in autoimmune diseases around the world ?"
Would you be surprised if some companies learn that they have "dirty" implants , meaning leftover particles from the manufacturing and cleaning process such as plastic, cobalt, and other metals, and do nothing about it?
I really enjoyed this discussion with a doctor/scientist who really wants to do a lot of good and answer questions not every dental implant company is interested in answering.
Find out more at www.cleanimplant.org