Oct 14 2023 76 mins
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Welcome to episode fifteen of season three.
In this episode we catch up with Otago animal osteopath and rider Kelly Burnett. Growing up with horses and experiencing a number of different disciplines makes Kelly the ideal person for understanding how horses should move and how their bodies are put together. We caught up to discuss everything osteo when it comes to horses and leave you with some more tools for your toolbox for when it comes to caring for your horse.
This episode is proudly sponsored by the Otago Equine Expo Plus being held October 28th and 29th 2023 at the Taieri showgrounds Mosgiel. If your in the South Island get along to see over 70 sites, demos, clinicians and a fun family day out for all. Check out www.otagoequineexpo.com for more information.
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Also check out www.theequinelifenz.com for more information
Credit to Casey Evans Music for rights to her singles tracks throughout the series Wild and Free starts and finishes each episode while Somewhere accompanies sponsors messages.