121. Take A Break From Therapy | Bella Paige - Living With Illness & Concussion

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Oct 25 2023 23 mins  

Battling post concussion syndrome has been quite the journey, a winding road filled with challenges and triumphs. As someone who's been there, I, Bella Paige, want to share my experiences navigating the labyrinth of recovery - from managing therapies to assessing progress. Remember, sometimes the greatest therapy is just being 'you' for a while, stepping away from your patient persona, and appreciating your everyday self.

Living with post concussion syndrome is not just about managing symptoms, it's about understanding them and acknowledging the multilayered nature of this condition. Together, we'll delve into the complexities of PCS, discussing everything from light sensitivity to headaches, the struggles of maintaining a daily life, and the importance of setting realistic goals on your path to recovery. But remember, it's not a race, acceptance is key and assessing your progress is crucial.

Remember, you're not alone.

Find Show Notes, Transcript & More: https://postconcussioninc.com/podcast

The Post Concussion Cookbook!

Please note that The Post Concussion Podcast has been paused/closed for new episodes as of early 2024. Concussion Connect is also closed.

Thank you to everyone who was so supportive over the years and I hope these episodes continue to help others as they come across them! I have set on a new venture, feel free to email me as I do check them every so often.

One day at a time,