Jan 11 2025 27 mins 1
Good evening everyone. It's evening as I record this special solo episode of the Cops and Writers Podcast.
Why do a solo episode? Good Question. I have been super busy taking care of my wife who had a total knee replacement surgery a couple of days ago. She’s a tough cookie but needs a little help from me and that has put most things on the back-burner, including this podcast.
So, I thought it would be a good idea to answer some questions from the Cops and Writers Facebook group with stories from my career in law enforcement.
In today’s episode we discuss:
· The impending release of The Good Collar. Getting the cover to conform with Amazon, and releasing the paperback, then the hardcover, and then the Kindle version very soon!! Some reviews have already come out on Goodreads, with an average of 4.5! For Goodreads that is awesome! Thanks to everyone who was a beta and ARC reader!
· Fred Snyder asks: Current day United States. How much/what kind of paperwork is involved if a Federal officer (FBI, USSS, DHS) draws his/her gun? Doesn't fire it, just draws it.
· Connie Albus asks: A husband and wife are found dead, both with bullet wounds but the coroner is not sure if the husband murdered his wife then committed suicide due to the angle of the bullet wounds on him, or if it was a double murder. On the coroner's report would it show hers as "homicide" and his as "homicide/suicide"? or other wording? Thanks for the help. (story takes place in the USA) _(added the remains were found in a burned building). Rich Rybicki and Scott Morales did a great job answering and I added that we never assume anything, it’s a double homicide until it isn’t. The totality of the circumstances comes into play here. Were there any 911/DV calls at the address? Did they find a gun, if so, where was it? Is there a motive, such as an impending divorce or other problems? Any history of calls of one of them having a mental illness crisis? Was there a note? There was a fire, so that might be tricky. Witness statements or video?
· Allison Holland-Ray asks: In modern times, Portland, Maine, I have a suspect who’s pointing his gun at two bystanders, while three officers all point their weapons at him.
What is the protocol for getting him to drop his weapon? Right now, I have written that the officers are talking to him and they put their weapons down to show they are willing to talk.
Check out the new Cops and Writers YouTube channel!
Check out my newest book, The Good Collar (Michael Quinn Vigilante Justice Series Book 1)!!!!!
Enjoy the Cops and Writers book series.
Please visit the Cops and Writers website.
What would you do if you lost the one you loved the most? How far would you go to quench your thirst for vengeance?