Jul 17 2024 30 mins
This is Have The Nerve Shorts - The short episodes between the longer ones. However, today isn't short at all #SorryNotSorry.
Duncan Wallace, Executive Director of SpinalCure Australia is on to chat about why you should consider investing in medical research for spinal cord injury and why you should consider the next generation of medical researchers.
Having a spinal cord injury himself just over 40 years ago, Duncan discusses his observations of how society perceives disability, securing funding and the roll out of a world first medical research trial happening in Australia.
Information in this episode:
The Spinal Cord Iceberg - https://www.spinalcure.org.au/research/spinal-cord-injury-facts/
SpinalCure Australia - https://www.spinalcure.org.au/
Forward Ability Support - https://fas.org.au/
Professor Reggie Edgerton - https://www.michaeljfox.org/researcher/v-reggie-edgerton-phd
Professor Perry Bartlett, Queensland Brain Institute - https://qbi.uq.edu.au/profile/769/perry-bartlett
Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) - https://neura.edu.au/
Get A Grip (Operating with NeuRA and NeuroMoves) - https://neura.edu.au/project/get-a-grip
eWalk Trials - https://neura.edu.au/project/ewalk-trial
Neilson Foundation - https://www.neilson.org.au/
WALK ON - The Remarkable Life of David Prast by Peter Murray - https://www.amazon.com.au/WALK-Remarkable-Life-David-Prast/dp/0645383422
This episode has been written, produced and edited by Susan Wood. Logo art by Cobie Ann Moore.
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is a for-purpose organisation that supports people with a spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions. For more information about our supports and services, visit our Resource Hub at https://bit.ly/ResourceHubSCIA.