Aug 27 2023 62 mins
The Newbies are in three separate locations as the girls are settled back in college - Phoebe for her sophomore year and Claire for her senior year!! Where are the time gone. BNN started in January of Claire's freshmen year. CRAZY!!!
The Newbies talk a lot about growth and new chapters this episode as they mourn Joey's departure but also celebrate him being the new bachelor! Other topics include LETTING GO; how Charity and Dotun seem like they're in it for the LONG GAME TRULY; and how heartbreak is just part of the love journey so let's embrace it; and more!
Thank you to our loyal following for sharing in the journey! Let us know if you want us to BNN during Joey's Bachelor, The Golden Bachelor or Bachelor in Paradise or all of the above!
Rate and review us wherever you listen and here's to LOVE FOR CHARITY AND DOTUN!