It would be great to hear your thoughts on this episode but remember- please keep them kind .
Coming up on today’s show
We will be discussing and trying to make sense of a possible close up and personal blatant revealing of a demonic or otherworldly entity too my guest here on today’s show
Today’s guest is Known on tick - tok as chip drachenfels
Rather than me try and describe chips video testament from yesterday,
Take a listen to chip describing
His initial encounter-
An encounter that clearly left him shaken and greatly confused as to what he’d seen
So then ,Here’s that sound clip ,
So as you may have gathered this is a story of the utmost interest and thus my self and the rest of the crew here at the slk podcast are therefore obliged to take a further look in to this ,
And also
as personal observation
taking into account the strangeness of the world lately or should I rephrase that
the last few years of bizarre and high strangeness sprinkled with generous amounts of fu,::-ry goes along way for me on this particular episode to not being surprised at such a thing -
very concerned ?
Surprised no ,
Find chip on tick-tok under chip Drachenfels and reach out if you want to
Here’s chips pay pal if you’re able to help out in any small way
or send him and his family your best thoughts and good wishes for the future.
You can find the simon Laurie king podcast at and all the usual platforms such as universsimm YouTube apple , buzz sprout etc
If you enjoyed the episode give it a like and subscribe also if you’d be so kind -
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but either way please keep them kind ,
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