Apr 04 2024 46 mins
Over the last couple of decades the investing landscape has changed dramatically. From the dotcom era to bitcoin, it can be tough to keep up. But one thing holds true, those who are ahead of the curve, and had some foresight, have been able to make a ton of money.
But how do you know which ones will be winners?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not much of a gambler. It’s too damn hard to make money. I don’t want to risk it on unfavourable odds.
I’m a firm believer in the basic business principles that have stood the test of time. Strong leadership, a solid customer base, and of course… revenue. As flashy as something like NFT investing is, to me, if it doesn’t make sense on paper, it just doesn’t make sense.
Our guest on this episode of “Guide 2 the Grind” offers a unique perspective on modern investing with old school principles. Kyle Kuderewski is the Operations Manager for WebStreet. WebStreet offers passive investments in Web based businesses. They merge the old with the new to create an entirely new way for investors to diversify and take advantage of burgeoning areas of technology.
It’s a whole different way of looking at digital investing, you definitely want don’t want to miss this episode.