Dec 18 2024 77 mins 1
Jacob Halverson joins Nick and Connor for a bumper Christmas special! We discuss our favorite glamping resorts, glamping naughty and nice lists, and our favorite Christmas movies.
The podcast also begins with an update on our plans for the podcast in 2025.
Thanks to all the listeners, and have a very merry Christmas!
Links mentioned:
- The Glamping Insider (my newsletter)
- Posh Outdoors' Looking Glass mirror cabins
- Ben Wolff's newsletter
- Get Paul Bosley's financial planner for free (email [email protected] for an intro)
The guys' favorite episodes of the year:
- Connor's winner: Bolt Farm - Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- Connor's second place: Travis Chambers - Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- Jacob's winner: Ben Wolff, Isaac French and Zach Busekrus - Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- Jacob's second place:: Will Spurzem - Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- Nick's winner: Bygnal Dutson - Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Other links: