May 09 2021 64 mins
Candice Cramer is a visual artist working towards completing her masters thesis in Maryland. She has lived out on the east coast for 6 years now, but I met her while we were both at Southeast Missouri State and working at a restaurant in Cape Girardeau, MO. She was the first person who I had heard of foraging for mushrooms, so I wanted to have a discussion with her about her experiences in Missouri, and how they are still influencing her life and her art. We also discuss John Cage, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century and a person who had a huge impact on the world of mycology. He was an avid mycology enthusiast throughout his entire life and we discuss the many ways fungi influenced his compositions.
Candice suggested some wonderful books, and provided information on where to find her art work!
Atelier Editions:
John Cage: A Mycological Foray
Mushroom Book
Mushrooms Demystified, by David Arora
Candice's website:
Insta: @cannediice
What were your thoughts about our discussion? Let me know! [email protected]
Track: Summer Vibes
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios
Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0