Episode Artwork
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Aug 15 2023 42 mins  

Like they say, a picture's worh a thousand words. Now here's the story behind the process for the newly created covers for the redux of Inglorious Ink.

Part 1
-Rose pedals with blood
-Bold lips and blood splatter
-Grilling money
-Ace symbol
-Bandaged Hand
-Smoking Teeth
-Unhappy Face

Part 2
-Missing Teeh
-The Snake
-The Fly and The Spider Eye (Voyerism)

Part 3
-The three skulls
-The Hand with an eye

Get ready for the Prequel! Sept 22nd!
Thank you for listening!

My Inglorious Ink Series! - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Samantha-Parrish/author/B0BNQ2D7D1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true