Oct 01 2024 35 mins
In Season 3 episode 9 Arthi & Malika continue the journey into the advent calendar of financial knowledge. October is Mental Health Awareness Month and the hosts share insights in this episode that mental health equals wealth, both in the figurative and literal sense.
Malika shares some alarming statistics about how people currently feel under pressure and a large part of this is caused by money and finances.
Arthi shares the definition of mental health and mindset & offers insight into brain fitness, and how this can increase your mental health.
Malika makes the connection between the quality of financial decisions during periods of poor mental health, helping to clarify the reciprocal link between mental well-being and financial wellbeing.
Listen in to hear Arthi and Malika discuss:
- The definition of mental health & mindset
- Brain health
- How your mental wellbeing can directly affect your financial wellbeing, based on belief systems we have about money
- Triggers that can affect mental health, such as emotions and overspending.
- Tips to having strong mental & financial health that include having an accountability partner and reducing social media scrolling.
and so much more!
Remember: “your mood, your state of being, and your money are connected.”
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This episode is proudly sponsored by Old Mutual Wealth.