Feb 21 2022 17 mins
Episode Art by Eliza Kingsley! You can find her at Instagram @epikot.and her website portfolio elizakingsley.com.
Critical Race Theory has been a hot topic in education and politically all of 2020 up until present day (March 2022). In this episode I talk about the context of the term " Critical Race Theory" which I refer to as CRT during the episode for short. I speak about different points of views parents might be concerned about and the impact it has on our students. Who are the people that have time for this and why are they upset? My overall take is that there is some degree of empathy and self awareness that we need in order to talk about the root problems!
Transcripts of this podcast are available here: https://inclusiveeducationirl.buzzsprout.com/ Contact: [email protected] Tweet At Me: https://twitter.com//InclusiveEdIRL