Sep 05 2023 27 mins
🔐 Unlock the correlation of income management and creative freelancing career | Ft. Amy Marshall, Founder of Create Crowd
In this episode of MyGigsters, the host and CEO Benjemen Elengovan, has a conversation with Amy Marshall, who is the founder of Create Crowd. Create Crowd helps introduce Creative Freelancers, Small Businesses and Film Crews to agencies, production houses and clients! As a busy agency producer, founder Amy Marshall found herself with a valuable database of amazing freelance resources collected over 20 years in the industry. Bringing all those scattered databases together was her focus. Amy created a website and app that focused on making direct connections and saving lists of favourite resources in one place. Her additional experience in digital marketing has benefited in creating bigger opportunities for freelancers to be found with things like The Creative Lowdown Newsletter, in-app features and a soon-to-be-released exciting new platform update!
🎉 In this episode we unpack
- About creator economy - the benefits and challenges
- Why income creation and marketing are two key tools for a sustainable freelancing career?
- Co-relation between income management and creative freelancing
- What is Create Crowd and how can creatives in Australia utilise this platform to generate work/income?
- Reveal the details of MyGigsters x Create Crowd partnerships | perk for community members
Check out Create Crowd
👉🏻 To learn more about resources and seek help, check out the website here:
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- Latest information on how best to do gig work
- Tax tips for ABN holders
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