At the outset of a new year it is evidenced oftentimes through the multitude of resolutions that pour forth. We are filled with various aspirations to achieve this or that special milestone that has eluded us over the years.
Oftentimes, those milestones resurface after we find ourselves reminiscing about those things that seemed to have never come to fruition or over that relationship that we allow to sour for unknown reasons.
All those aspirations and memories are rooted in...
that commodity that abounds if only we learn to give every desired achievement and every relationship over to HIM.
I now find myself revisiting episodes that I oftentimes wondered from where and why they poured from from my being when they were written. I also pondered as to whether they were insignificant. I now find that each and everyone of the pieces that I previously shared are more relevant and even more significant at this juncture of my life, but more importantly, at this particular period of this country.
I am asking you to stay tuned and really ruminate and consider the message that pours forth from this specific piece and that will certainly be illuminated through the pieces that I share in the future.