Feb 23 2025 11 mins
This is part two of an episode called Lilypads and gangplanks which is about how we can navigate our careers in a controlled way by developing ourselves in the direction of our strengths.
In doing so we grow our capability towards our next role, extending a virtual gangplank rather than leaping frog like towards a potential opportunity or lily pad.
In Part 1 I shared an exercise to help you identify those aspects of your current role that you find fulfilling along with those that you find draining.
In Part 2 we will look at how to analyse your findings and start to create weeks for yourself that contain more fulfilling activities and fewer draining ones.
About Andy
I'm an experienced business leader and a passionate developer of people in the automotive finance industry, internationally.
During over twenty five years, I have played a key role in developing businesses including Alphabet UK, BMW Corporate Finance UK, BMW Financial Services Singapore, BMW Financial Services New Zealand and Tesla Financial Services UK.
At the same time, I have coached individuals and delivered leadership development programmes in 17 countries across Asia, Europe and North America.
I started Aquilae in 2016 to enable “Fulfilling Performance” in the mobility industry, internationally.
Learn more about Fulfilling Performance
Check out Release the handbrake! The Fulfilling Performance Hub.
Connect with Andy
LinkedIn: Andy Follows
Email: [email protected]
Join a guided peer mentoring team: Aquilae Academy
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ASKE Consulting
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Episode recorded on 20 February, 2025.