Mar 10 2025 4 mins
Q: Where can Popfrogs be found?
It was very difficult to determine where Popfrogs currently live - they are adept hiders! Using our knowledge of frogs, cryptid clues, and a few good guesses, the BCWPA team was able to locate the four remaining Popfrogs in the world. While they could thrive elsewhere, for some reason they are stuck here, in western Ohio, hidden in some of the state's small swamps.
Next time: The team follows Rosie the Ribbiter - the last female Popfrog in existence, lovingly named by the BCWPA.
The Day We Met by Beat Mekanik is licensed under a Attribution 4.0 International License. (changes made: speed slowed)
This public broadcast is made possible thanks to these BCWPA Agents: Brandon Ruch, Colten Williams, Daniel Berry, Donovan Scherer, Kimberly Nichols, Layla Leutwyler, Madelynn ODell, Matthew Schang, Pyper Wilson, Lenin Roman, Ronald Miller, PHouseGames, Anthony Ferries, Dandan, Fox & Brambles, Jim Walke, Claire, Hallesy, Heather, HELGA, Kris Mitchell, Kylie Reed, Rick Belcher, Cryptid Clyde, T. Carter Ross, Agus Mercado, Ead Daniels, Elizabeth Lukjanczuk, Shelby Fulton, Veronica Mulvaney, Zodiac Gaming Industry, Mr. Blue Sky
Ballyraven Expedition 2.04.08
In the Field and its free, public broadcasting are fictional and for entertainment only. Real life stories and events have been altered for storytelling; real life stories, myths, and legends are well-researched for each episode.
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Grab a cryptid study, visit the Ballyraven store.
Do you have a story, sighting, or piece of folklore to share? Visit our office.
Grab a cryptid study, visit the Ballyraven store.