Feb 20 2024 52 mins
For today's Single Item Agenda (episode), we discuss;
- Meeting packs (meeting papers) that school governors and academy trustees receive to read in preparation for upcoming governing board meetings
- The importance of the agenda item ‘Minutes of the Previous Meeting’ and how to approach it - Don’t simply scroll, skip or skim past this paper!
- The process of taking minutes, reading and approving minutes - plus tracking the actions, including Chair’s actions, compliance actions, noting the person responsible, setting deadline dates
- What annoys clerks and governance professionals
- Neurodiversity, inclusivity and accessibility - How best to write, construct and style minutes and meeting papers to consider the readers / target audience
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National Association of Schools and College Clerks (NASCC) - https://www.nascc.co.uk/
National Black Governors Network (NBGN) - https://nbgn.co.uk/
Email: [email protected]
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Sharon Warmington (School Governor; Qualified Corporate Governance Practitioner)
Olivia D Hinds (Member of the Joint Advisory Education and Safeguarding Group of a MAT; LGB Committee Chair for Teaching and Learning; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Link Governor; and Wellbeing Champion)
The Governors' Podcast (TGP) is a brand of Education Governance Solutions Limited
TGP is sponsored by GovernorHub/Knowledge
https://governorhub.com/ | https://thehoot.news/
Current release schedule: Term time Wednesdays @ 7am (approx. 1-2 per month).
TGP defines its 'Seasons' by UK academic years (September to July) and episodes are called ‘Agenda Items’.
Artwork and Production - Onevma Limited
Theme Music - Hertz Beats, UK Producer