Aug 02 2024 58 mins
You know when that incredibly divisive Ballerina Farm article by Megan Agnew for The Times created such a social media frenzy, we would have a lot to say about the trad wife of it all. This is particularly interesting because it's the first time in recent memory that a trad wife has broken the fourth wall. Chiming in is guest host Rachel, who has become our resident influencer expert, as we break down all the notable moments in the interview. We debate whether Hannah Neeleman actually needs your sympathy, why influencing seems to have a chokehold on Mormon wives (and how they are weaponized to spread alt-right propaganda!), give our hot takes, and so much more.
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Helpful References & Links:
Meet the Queen of the Trad Wives (The Times, Megan Agnew)
My Day with the Trad Wife Queen, and What it Taught Me (The Times, Megan Agnew)
Ballerina Farm on TikTok
Ballerina Farm (About Us)
On Ballerina Farm and Ballet's Crushing Lesson's in Femininity (Vogue, Ellen O'Connell Whittet)
The Unbearable Daniel of it All (In Pursuit of Clean Countertops, Sara Petersen)