Aug 01 2022 21 mins
Hey, Nomad Kitties 💖🐱 !! presents EPISODE 3 of the #NOMADKITTIES PODCAST
BEER, WEED AND SHROOMS: Chapadão Edition 🌿 🌬😸
Cha·pa·dão (chapada + -ão)
- Is slang in Brazilian Portuguese for high.
- The name of a region in Brazil.
After smoking up on Arpoador Rock, we got some dinner and shared our experiences with these drugs. One of us almost dies, can you guess who!?
We also talk about:
✨ Ancient and modern rituals involving beer, weed, and shrooms
✨ Tips on Micro-dosing
✨ Indigenous beer
✨ Our hopes of shroom legalization
You can follow:
El Tres Da Nova, lead guitarist for Death Is A Business and writer covering the policy, science, and culture of drugs. Get educated, get lifted! Check out his writing in FILTER Mag, Marijuana Moment, Psychedelic Times, Leafly and Salon.
Sonia Erika (they/he/she) is the daughter of laborers, formerly undocumented laborers. After 21 years as an “illegal alien” Sonia finally went back to Mexico, and then continued traveling and living in Peru and Brazil making music with Death Is A Business. Sonia’s art and entrepreneurial activity connect people and communities to their story of familial migration, the experience of rebirth, and belonging. Her subject matters verge between illegal aliens and demystifying capitalism, to humanizing sex workers.
Coach Steph is a first-gen entrepreneur and life coach that works with immigrants and first-gen entrepreneurs to overcome the obstacles that hold them back from reaching their goals.
Death Is A Business was created in 2013 in a New York City college dorm room. Since then, it has traveled throughout the US and Latin America. The group’s sound incorporates musicians and instruments from around the world like the Afro-Peruvian Cajon and the Andean flute.