Mar 05 2025 37 mins 1
When a single corporate client paid me over $10K for one project — and $6K of that was digital calligraphy — I knew I had to pull back the curtain on this game-changing skill!
While I would describe myself as a pen-and-paper calligrapher, digitized calligraphy has become a necessary add-on to most of my commissions. Of course, most of my clients initially contact me seeking handmade original pieces – but whether they want to duplicate my work numerous times, use it on their website for branding, or frankly I myself don’t want to write the SAME PHRASE thousands of times, I need to be able to generate a digitized version of my work (and save SO MUCH TIME in the process!).
So how do I go about doing that? Good question! In this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m breaking down:
- The “tech side” of calligraphy, how to digitize your work, and what tools you need to do it
- The vast number of projects you can create with digital calligraphy (and how it can open up soooo many more revenue streams for you)
- How I’ve priced my digital work over the years, and what key factors should dictate what you charge for your work
If you have ever wondered if learning how to digitize your calligraphy is worth adding to your skillset, I hope this episode will show you how many doors this talent will open for you!
Interested in learning how to add style to your calligraphy and capture corporate clients? I’m hosting “Style Month” all March long! Join me for tons of freebies & weekly live lessons RIGHT HERE!
4:30 — What counts as digital calligraphy?
7:15 — The two stages of digitizing your calligraphy (raster vs. vector files)
16:51 — How digital calligraphy can boost your revenue
23:35 — My digital calligraphy work: From $90 logos to $6000 corporate projects
29:10 — Pricing digital calligraphy: Why usage matters
- “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop
- Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy
- Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!