Feb 14 2025 20 mins
This isn’t a moment when I can pay attention all the time:
sometimes I just need to turn away, or walk away.
But whether I’m engaged or disengaged,
wisdom and love have their place.
The question I’m working with is,
how do I meet each moment with three wise intentions:
to let go of wanting things to be different,
because right now, they just are how they are;
to be kind and loving, no matter what;
and to have compassion for the wild cast of characters
living on, and running, the planet right now.
I wish I had any answers but at least that’s the inquiry right now.
So, happy Valentine’s Day. ♥️
The classical invitation is to send some love to the beings you love.
That’s an easy one to accept.
And here’s another invitation, maybe not as easy:
send some love – not flowers or chocolate but secretly,
just in your own heart, or practice –
to someone you could never imagine loving, ever.
And see how it goes.