“Soul is in this life to learn to give and receive divine love, and Its ultimate goal is to become a Coworker with God. To be a Coworker means that no matter what you are doing, you make it easier for the next person.”
— Sri Harold Klemp
What does it mean to be a light to the world in this time of discord and division? Tune in to hear how a father and his teenage daughter create big miracles from everyday challenges—and in their own unique ways. Plus, get a simple technique to tap into the Divine Power of Soul!
Resources to explore:
- For on-the-go spiritual stress relief, and more—including the FREE HU APP—go to HearHU.org.
- What is ECKANKAR? Glad you asked! Explore FAQS here.
- ECKANKAR‘s Spiritual Living Courses are a living road map to spiritual transformation. Each month brings you a new measure of enlightenment. Discover more here.