Dec 22 2024 60 mins
In Episode 129, Veronica & Laurie get into the underbelly with crime and thriller writers Dan Kaufman and Lisa Kenway. We chat inspiration, experience, character arcs and red herrings. And we explore themes from the human psyche, connected consciousness, research and plot retrofitting.
Intro - 0:57
Lisa Kenway Bio - 2:47
Dan Kaufman Bio - 6:34
Book Spotlight - All You Took From Me - Lisa Kenway - pyschological thriller - 19:32
Book Spotlight - Humidity - Dan Kaufman - Aussie Noir - 20:46
Exploring the dark corners of the human psyche - 32:07
Plotting the crime thriller - 36:34
Your biggest writing and publishing lesson - 45:13
Advice for new writers - 56:00
Book Review - 58:06
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