Feb 19 2024 7 mins
This week’s Patreon Preview features an excerpt from a solo episode in the Subject To Change series with Candice, released exclusively on TDP Patreon. The following clip is from a 47-minute episode entitled Spiritual Capitalism: The Trouble w/ Turning Meaning Into Money.
If you like what you hear in this sample clip, you can access the full-length episode on Patreon - which touches upon the following topics:
- An important reminder not to weaponize 'cult'ure series content.
- Spiritual Capitalism; the monetized rebellion against self-sacrifice.
- Idealism, misinformation, & exchanging meaning for money.
- Spiritual Meritocracy; a love&light spin on a capitalistic lie.
- Is 'spiritual' really even something that we can be?
- Soft-power coercion in marketing & what to look out for.
- Reality check re: the social determinants of health AND well-being.
Patrons of The Deeper Pulse have unlimited access to weekly extras in exchange for their support of the podcast. Patreon donations help keep the main feed of this pod ad-free. Sliding-scale membership starts at just $5 month.
The stories and opinions shared in this episode are based on personal experience and are not intended to malign any individual, group, or organization.
Join The Deeper Pulse at Patreon for weekly bonus episodes + other exclusive bonus content. Follow The Deeper Pulse on IG @thedeeperpulse + @candiceschutter for more regular updates.